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Here's My Woodworking!

by Jennifer Root
Columbia, MO

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My life with woodworking all got started in the Spring of 2015. I was just looking for a hobby to pass the time. I never thought it would be something that would become such a big part of my life. It has turned into a passion and a distraction from the stress of everyday life. It is a place where I can go and take a simple piece of wood and turn it into something beautiful, no matter how simple of a project it may be. I find myself relating to the wood as it has imperfections just as we humans have ours. It is our imperfections that make us beautiful and unique in our own way.

I wish I could say that woodworking has been something I have known my whole life, but I am just a rookie. Woodworking is such a beautiful art and deserves to be shared with the world. To do my part to share its beauty, I will spend the rest of my life learning and practicing new techniques to showcase the true beauty of working with wood.

You can email Jennifer at or take a look at her Facebook page at .

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